TUC Garden CSA Information
Member Agreement for 2019
Farm Contact Information:
The University Church
4747 Hill Ave., Toledo, Oh 43615
We, The University Church, wish to provide you with fresh, local, seasonal food from our garden and you, the member, wish to receive a portion of our harvest. This agreement outlines our shared commitments to that relationship.
Our Partnership
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a relationship between our garden and you as our member. Rather than simply purchasing food, our members become “partners” to TUC Garden’s CSA program, receiving a portion of the farm’s harvest.
Our CSA runs for 14 weeks, from June 19 to September 18. Members are responsible for showing up at The University Church Garden on Wednesday of each week to pick up your share of freshly harvested produce. You are also encouraged to participate in the U-Pick Garden, where you will have the opportunity to harvest your choice of a variety of herbs and flowers. We promise to do our best to provide you with a bountiful share each week. The quantity of produce, berries, herbs, and flowers, however, will vary from week-to-week and month-to-month due to extreme weather, insects, or other production factors despite our best efforts. By joining our CSA, you are agreeing to share the risk of crop failure with us and other members. In the unlikely event of crop failure we compensate for the loss by filling your share with other crops grown on the farm that are ready for harvest at that time. We may cover for a crop loss by buying in from other local farmers.
By gathering memberships in advance of the growing season, a CSA reduces the burden of up-front costs for the farmer. Your donation provides us with money to purchase seed and equipment before the season starts, and we appreciate your commitment.
Share price per 14 week growing season: $275.00
Payment Preference(s)
Choice 1. I wish to pay for my membership - $275, at the time of sign up.
Choice 2: I wish to pay for my membership in installments - 2 installments of $137.50, but paid in full
by June 1, 2019.
If you chose to pay for your membership upfront, please enclose a check for your total amount due, made payable to The University Church with this signed agreement form. You may also pay in full online by clicking the Pay Online button/link at the bottom of this contract. This will take you to The University Church Donation page where you will choose "Garden CSA."
If you chose to pay for your membership in installments, please enclose the first check for $137.50 with this signed agreement form, followed by one more installment of $137.50 before June 1st. You may also pay your installments online by clicking the Pay Online button/link at the bottom of this contract. This will take you to The University Church Donation page where you will choose "Garden CSA Payment Plan."
Total balance of $275.00, must be received by The University Church by June 1st to ensure your membership. By submitting an agreement form you are agreeing to pay the membership fee for the share you indicated above.
(Any refunds requested would be issued from The University Church one month from deposit of the check. No refunds issued after June 1st.)
Communicating with Us
The best way to communicate with us is via email: tuc.gardendirector@gmail or by phone: 419-534-3080. We will do our best to respond as soon as possible, but please understand that we spend most of our time in the field growing your food and not at our desks. Please contact us with any news of the following: changes to your email address, problems with your pick-up, or dissatisfaction with your share. Please be sure to contact TUC Garden if you cannot pick up your vegetables on the pickup day; you may authorize someone else to pick them up, or possibly some other arrangement could be made. If we do not hear from you, in your absence your share will be donated to our pantry clients.
We will communicate with you by email. When you sign up, you will be added to our distribution list. Please read your email from us. We depend on being able to communicate important information such as necessary changes to your distribution schedule or to our farm events. Every week, we will email a pick-up reminder, information about the crops available that week, recipe ideas, or other farm related news.
By signing below, or clicking the box online, I agree to purchase a membership share. I understand that, although unlikely, The University Church may change parts of this agreement related to production and distribution from time to time. I understand that they will contact me via email in advance of any changes to this agreement.
Please send a check made out to The University Church for $275.00 (or $137.50 if paying in two installments). Our address is 4747 Hill Avenue, Toledo, OH 43615. To pay online click the box below.
If you would like to print out the above contract to send in with your payment or to keep a copy for your files, click the link below.
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